Marius Bergmann
Service Manager
What makes Gire a valuable partner for Møller?
Gire saves time for both us and our customers. In a busy everyday life, it is nice to be able to ease customers' time constraints and offer them pickup and delivery. For us it is very time-saving to be able to deal with the customer and their questions over the phone while at the same time being able to do other things. It takes more time per customer if they show up physically. With Gire the car is picked up without any questions, and delivered directly to the customer.
What in Gire's service offering,  gives Møller the most value?
Our alternative is to send our own employees, but then we have to send two and that takes time and is expensive for us. For the customer, it can typically be a business customer who works as a road worker 2 hours away. They then have to send two people to collect their car. It can quickly steal 3 hours of their working day. For them, it is hugely beneficial to have it delivered to their workplace or home.
How much do you save in costs by using Gire compared to other transport providers?
It is difficult to quantify it, but our alternative is to use two of our own employees. It will be significantly more expensive than using Gire. In addition, it saves on parking as there are hardly any parking spaces here. Some of our customers do not pick up their car before 14 days if it is not delivered and it takes up a lot of space and capacity.
Why do you choose Gire over competitors/alternatives?
It is much more expensive to use alternatives such as tow truck our own employees. There are only emergencies where tow-truck has been used to tow the car away from the lot and to the customer, but it is prohibitively expensive.
What is the advantage of using Gire over others regarding the booking process?
Gire's booking portal is easy to use, ordering an assignment is quick and easy. The platform is very tidy in terms of pictures before and after driving. If there should be something afterwards, it is documented. It is also easy to get hold of the driver if anything should happen. The service is also very reliable - I've only had one failure in the two years I've worked here. This error was rectified and the customer was very satisfied.
How satisfied are you with Gire as a partner and supplier?
In summary, we are very satisfied! As I said, there has only been one small mistake as long as I have worked here and it was sorted out straight away. The customers are also very satisfied. There is nothing to complain about the service