Instant home delivery of cars to your customers
Fast delivery
For same day booking we have 4 hour guarantee
Free up parking space
Immediate transportation of cars to your customer reduces, the need for parking spaces at your locations
Save time
You and your customers can spend time on more important tasks than car transportation
Customer satisfaction
Our customers using Home delivery have measured an increase in customer satisfaction (NPS)
Geographical coverage
Increase your geographical coverage by nationwide delivery
Professional and certified drivers with temporary license plates
All assignments are fully insured and risk-free for the customer
Over 75,000 completed assignments
2 days delivery guarantee across Sweden, and 4 hours in Greater Stockholm.
Home delivery with Gire reduces your logistic bottlenecks, increases customer satisfaction, and provide for 100% digital customer experience
How Gire works
It’s super easy to book transportation of cars through our modern website or integrated within your digital systems through our API. Your customer will be notified  the day before and when the car is on the way. 
We deliver within 4 hours and drive cars every day from 06:00-22:00. 
We have over a 100 skilled drivers in the greater areas of Oslo, Bergen, Trondheim, Stavanger, Kristiansand and Drammen.
Would you like to know more about what Gire can offer your company?
Get in touch with us.
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